Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Stirling Engine Essay Example For Students
The Stirling Engine Essay The Stirling EngineRobert Stirling invented the Stirlingengine in 1816. At the time he was a Scottish minister. Stirling engineswere the safest engines made during that time period that would not explodelike a steam engine could. The Stirling engine would not explode becausethe pressures could not be elevated to that to such a high level. The machinesimply stopped when the heater section failed from thermal stress or imperfectionsin the material or manufacturing process. So from that day on there wasa better, safer way to produce power, far superior than that of a steamengine. A Stirling Engine is a mechanical device,which operates on a closed looping thermodynamic cycle. Different temperaturelevels cause compression and expansion of the air or steam, which causesthe piston arms to move back and forth keeping up with the changes in theinternal pressure. The flow of the steam is controlled by changes in thevolume of the hot and cold spaces, without the use of valves. The Stirling cycle can be is still appliedto day in common appliances such as a refrigerator. The heat cycle whenapplied to a heat cycle can produce cool air. This will occur when workis done on the Stirling device, and the heat energy is discarded into theroom. The heat energy that came from the Stirling cycle would be take fromthe inside of the refrigerator therefore making it cooler on the inside. We will write a custom essay on The Stirling Engine specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In 1876 Rev. Stirling wrote in a letterabout his brother James, who had just died, These imperfections havebeen in great measure removed by time and especially by the genius of thedistinguished Bessemer. If Bessemer iron or steel had been known thirtyfive or forty years ago there is scarce a doubt that the air engine wouldhave been a great successIt remains for some skilled and ambitious mechanistin a future age to repeat it under favorable circumstances and with completesuccess. Rev. Dr. Robert Stirling (1790-1878) from Stirling Enginesby G. Walker. Robert Stirling applied for his first patentsfor this engine and the economizer in 1816, only after a few months ofgetting nominated as a minister at the Church of Scotland. Sir George Caleyhad devised air engines previous to this time and other devices calledair engines were known as early as 1699. Steam engines began to carry abad name along with it because they were so dangerous. Air engines wereso safe and they operated on completely different principles. Theeconomizer or regenerator has come to be recognized as a most importantpart of the patent that Robert Stirling received. This patent was so outstandingbecause of the fact that it predated much of the study of thermodynamics. Some historians believe that the reason for Robert Stirlings efforts atsuch a device were driven by his concern for the working people of hisparishes as steam engines were being used extensively in that area andtime period. Because of the lack of strength in the materials availableto construct, they would frequently explode sending shrapnel, boiling water,and steam at the people working nearby. After the years the gasoline internalcombustion engine has taken over. The reason this occurred was becauseof the time it takes for a Stirling engine to heat up enough to get moving. Lately with all of the problems with the environment a need for automobileengines with low emission of toxic gases has revived interest in the Stirlingengine. Some Stirling engines have been built with up to 500 horsepowerand with efficiencies of 30 to 45 percent. The common internal-combustionengine would have efficiency in the range of 20 to 25 percent. .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d , .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d .postImageUrl , .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d , .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d:hover , .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d:visited , .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d:active { border:0!important; } .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d:active , .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua0b66b88758c6a93583f312852cda66d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Kfc Vision Mission And Principles Worldwide EssayOne of the fastest moving technologiesis that of composites. These materials have a type of plastic make up alongwith other properties. The strength of this type of material is superiorin nature and for the purposes of a Sterling engine, I feel that it wouldbe perfectly suited. They have already begun to experimentally replacecertain motor parts in the internal combustion engine, such as the pistons. The advantages of this would be that the weight of internal parts wouldbe significantly lighter and therefore able to run at higher speeds. Anotheradvantage would be that the heat developed inside the engine would haveless affect on the components because composites react, (shrink and expand)less that a metal would. Lubrication also plays a huge part in engineperformance. If all parts slide together easy than the total force putinto overcoming friction would be reduced. Bearings and other parts wouldalso play a large part in reducing friction. The design technology of sterling enginesover the years has changed very slowly. Over the years the materials haveslowly began to change, what was once a wood wheel is now machined outof steal. The main theory of the Sterling cycle has remained the same,but because of its incapability to be convenient when placed into a car,the Sterling engine has never become a huge success. This probably explainswhy the manufacturing process has never moved into a mass production orand assembly line operation of larger sized engines. The model industrythat produces them, as toy is probable the only type of company that doesmass-produce them. Because the parts for the Stirling engine are fairlyeasy to machine, the materials are common, and fairly inexpensive, an assemblyline type of production would be fairly easy and inexpensive to set up. These are the 2 basic design types; thetwo-piston type Stirling engine is shown to the left. A space above a hotpiston is always heated and the space above a cold piston is always cooled. The displacer type Stirling engine (the one to the right) has a space abovea displacer piston, and it is always heated by a heat source. A space belowthe displacer piston is cooled always. The displacer piston displaces hotair and cold air. The 1900s brought on a time of industrializationand few things were still made by hand. In this age Stirling engines couldbe built bye assembly lines but Henry Ford had already began productionof his model T Ford, which used an internal combustion engine. This prettymuch killed the need for the Stirling engine. During this these old timesprototypes were almost non-existent except for that of a seldom made model. The reason this occurred is if a prototype was made it was probably putinto use not just set aside whit the actual models were getting manufactured. Before this time if somebody wanted something they had to build it forhim or her self, or they would have to find someone to build it for them. This explains why there were very few Sterling engines that were similarback then. Most parts were built by hand which explains the wooden flywheel. Because the cost of the part presently used to make it are so cheep andthe parts are adequate to the demands of this engine. If I was the designer of the Stirlingengine and I had the technology of today to help me in my work I wouldhave to make it out of composite products or at least a good portion ofit. The Sterling engine in itself if very safe and the simple facts thata cleaner fuel that is being burned will also reduce emissions making ita better engine for the environment. To increase power and make it runfaster I would add piston rings to the piston to give it a tighter seal. .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c , .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c .postImageUrl , .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c , .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c:hover , .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c:visited , .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c:active { border:0!important; } .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c:active , .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub26986fbbc2521269317cb0aa9fb5a6c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Purchasing A Small Business EssayTo reduce friction in the flywheel I would make sure bearings were placeron the axle and make sure they were oiled properly. Another was to makethe engine move faster would be to add some wings or flattened metal sheetsto the cool piston case in order to increase surface area allowing it tocool even faster.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Chapter 1- Kinematics Regents Physics Essays - Classical Mechanics
Chapter 1- Kinematics Regents Physics Essays - Classical Mechanics Chapter 1- Kinematics Regents Physics One-Dimensional Motion - Constant Acceleration Equations As we already know, acceleration is defined as the change of velocity per unit of time and can be found using: a= v t 3990975151765 Since: v= v f - v i , our formula then becomes: If we apply some algebra and solve for " v f " then we arrive at: v f = v i + at Several derivations using the above information lead to useful equations when we want knowledge of an object's displacement, velocity, or acceleration at any particular time. Such equations include: d = v i t + 1 2 at 2 v f 2 = v i 2 + 2ad Knowing which equation to use relies simply on the information you are given in the problem. In other words, it is important to write down every piece of information given by the problem including the variable that you are looking for . For example: Roger starts from rest and accelerates at 4 m/s 2 for 3 seconds. How far has Roger travelled? Notice how if an object starts from rest , v i (initial velocity) will always be zero. Similarly, if an object comes to rest , the v f (final velocity) will be zero. A bowling ball moving 20 m/s comes to rest at the end of the alley 20 meters away. Determine the acceleration of the bowling ball. A soccer ball kicked from rest travels 50 meters in 3 seconds. Determine the acceleration of the soccer ball. A car is initially moving at 20 m/s. The car then accelerates at a rate of 5 m/s 2 . How fast will the car be moving after 400 meters? 5181600306070 Superman is flying at 300 m/s. He then accelerates at a rate of 20 m/s 2 for 10 seconds. How fast is he now flying?
Friday, November 22, 2019
University of Redlands - Scores, Costs and Admissions
University of Redlands - Scores, Costs and Admissions University of Redlands Admissions Overview: Admissions at the University of Redlands are generally open; in 2016, around two-thirds of applicants were admitted to the school. Students with good grades and test scores within or above the ranges listed below are on track to be accepted. Interested students will need to submit an application, which can be submitted online. In addition, prospective students will need to send in official high school transcripts, scores from the SAT or ACT, and two letters of recommendation. For complete instructions and guidelines, be sure to visit the schools website, or get in touch with someone from the admissions office. Will You Get In? Calculate Your Chances of Getting In with this free tool from Cappex Admissions Data (2016): University of Redlands Acceptance Rate: 75%Test Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 490 / 590SAT Math: 490 / 600SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanSAT score comparison for California collegesACT Composite: 22 / 27ACT English: 22 / 27ACT Math: 20 / 26What these ACT numbers meanACT score comparison for California colleges University of Redlands Description: The University of Redlands is a private university with a liberal arts and sciences focus. The 160-acre campus is located in Redlands, California, about 10 miles from San Bernardino. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the primary college for residential undergraduate students, has a 12 to 1 student / faculty ratio and an average class size of 19. For its strengths in the liberal arts and sciences, the University of Redlands was awarded a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. On the athletic front, the Redlands Bulldogs compete in the NCAA Division III Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SCIAC). Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 5,071 (3,237 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 44% Male / 56% Female77% Full-time Costs (2016 - 17): Tuition and Fees: $46,570Books: $1,775 (why so much?)Room and Board: $13,480Other Expenses: $3,168Total Cost: $64,993 University of Redlands Financial Aid (2015 - 16): Percentage of Students Receiving Aid: 98%Percentage of Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 98%Loans: 64%Average Amount of AidGrants: $27,469Loans: $8,334 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors: Biology, Business Administration, English, History, Liberal Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Speech What major is right for you? Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 82%4-Year Graduation Rate: 65%6-Year Graduation Rate: 74% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports: Baseball, Golf, Soccer, Tennis, Water Polo, Basketball, Football, Cross CountryWomens Sports: Lacrosse, Soccer, Water Polo, Basketball, Golf, Volleyball, Tennis Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like University of Redlands, You May Also Like These Schools: Chapman University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphPepperdine University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of La Verne: Profile University of the Pacific: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of San Diego: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUC San Diego: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUC Santa Cruz: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCal Poly: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of San Francisco: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphLoyola Marymount University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphWhittier College: Profile UC Irvine: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Essentials of Sports Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Essentials of Sports Law - Essay Example While at a pre-draft meeting, bob sugar signs a written contract with Frank Cushman and SMI. This automatically means Maguire no longer represents frank Cushman who is then drafted overall the next day. Element2: matt Cushman makes a contract by word of mouth accepting Maguire as his sons (Frank Cushman) agent. This makes both frank and bob aware of Maguire’s contract with franks father but is still the contract is not legal. Element 3: bob sugar makes a written contract with Frank Cushman and signs with SMI just like Maguire’s previous clients who bob talked to have them drop Maguire and sign with SMI. This contract is legally binding but with prior knowledge of Maguire’s unbinding contract with franks, dad makes it intentional interference of contract by bob. In this case, Maguire case will prevail in court for intentional interference in the contract but not for breach of contract. This is because first of all, Frank Cushman did not make any legally binding contract with Maguire directly, his dad did. However, even franks dad contract with Maguire does not hold since there was no written and signed the contract of bobs contract with Frank. Conversely, the box will be charged with intentional interference of contract because he knew that Maguire had kept frank as his agent. Tyson Walker, an NFL player for the Ravens is arrested by the police and charged with solicitation for sex. He was also previously charged with criminal assault after hotels camera caught him shoving Teresa, a woman he just met at a Las Vegas hotel while he was out gambling with his friend and teammate Eric Adams. Tyson shoved Teresa out of his room after she demanded $5000 dollars for his sexual acts which he refuses to pay and the police are involved. The issue here is supposed the NFL and Ravens decide to punish Mr. Tyson by suspending him in two games and six games respectively, is there a breach of contract and does the collective bargaining agreement of NFLPA breached (Wong, 400)?
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Teacher Attrition Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Teacher Attrition - Dissertation Example The paper tells that this remains a widely acclaimed reality that maintaining a high level of teacher quality forms the critically important factor which ensures student achievement. With myriad types of demons endangering the teacher quality presently, students are consequently facing more and more problems to ensure individual academic accomplishments. The tendency of leaving schools and teaching profession by the learned and wiser teachers results in an inability to preserve an experienced teaching community and this produces many deteriorating influences on the students. What seems to come forward as a really deplorable reality is that many educational officials think that simply replacing those teachers lost to attrition by hiring new teachers could be an effective remedy. Presently, many authentic reports have denied such a fake proposition of undermining the critical nature of teacher attrition by easily hiring new teachers. Mississippi education administrators have taken a wi se decision to take the challenge of reducing the teacher attrition rates to a structural level. Still, a great deal needs to be addressed regarding the issue of teacher attrition and this research aspires to make a contribution to this ongoing effort with results based on certain questions. The fact that teachers constantly rotate with the experienced teachers leaving and new teachers entering the teaching process to leave it within a couple of years leaves the students with no proper education which seriously interferes with their academic dreams. This is exactly why teacher attrition is such a hotly debated issue and deemed to be such an emergency based situation in America for the past many years. This remains a research-based reality that high level of performance on the part of students is directly related with lower attrition rates. Teacher training plans based on longer time periods also greatly helps in provoking the teachers to continue teaching in schools and colleges wel l after the teaching training process ends. Research survey has also shown that stress plays a phenomenal role in promoting the teachers to quit teaching soon. Lack of confidence comes in handy with high level of stress and together they convince a teacher to ignore the students’ learning needs and consider them less important. This issue can be resolved significantly with the help of long teacher training processes which each teacher should be required to engage in prior to becoming a professional scholar. People come in the teaching profession with a sense of purpose very clear in their minds but due to lack of recognition, support, and salary issues, they get bound to leave much earlier than necessary thus increasing turnover rate among teachers. â€Å"Every year in the United States, schools conservatively spend $2.2 billion on the recruiting, hiring, and training of teachers to replace those who have left teaching†(Alliance for Excellent Education, 2005). Continu ous support is also found to have played a phenomenal role in reinforcing teachers’ self-esteems and their decisions to stay and continue teaching for the benefit of their students. This shows that teacher factors related to attrition come first and should not be ignored at any cost. Even a teacher being paid a top-notch salary can never be expected to continue teaching and unaffected all the time despite being discouraged and not motivated in a proper manner. In response to the first question, the factor of salary is found to be positively related with the teachers’ decision to remain in the profession and which also seems to be consistent with the past research done on the relation between salary and teachers’ decision to continue or quit teaching. â€Å"High teacher salaries result in increased commitment and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Interventions for Sexual Issues and Dysfunctions Essay Example for Free
Interventions for Sexual Issues and Dysfunctions Essay Interventions for Sexual Issues and Dysfunctions LaShawnda Ogle Walden University The Wilson’s are currently experiencing some sexual dysfunctions, a condition that can cause a lot of distress during intercourse (Hecker amp; Wetchler, 2010). In the case study Mrs. Wilson has been diagnosed with having Vaginismus. Vaginismus is known for causing some severe pain and as a result causes the female to avoid sexual activity (p. 377). It’s formally defined as the involuntary spastic contraction of the outer one-third of the vagina. There can be treatment techniques. The two sexual therapy interventions I would suggest for the Wilson’s are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and a medically treated approach using a vaginal dilator. The one intervention method suggested for Mrs. Wilson would be that of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. According to Hecker amp; Wetchler, (2010), women with vaginismus can show fear and have some anxiety with the thought of penetration. In order to help decrease those fears and anxieties CBT may help Mrs. Wilson’s sexual satisfaction increase as well as her over all well-being: addressing not only the physical pain or discomfort of sex but also the psychological aspects. For example: there are cognitive strategies such as: sexual exercises and relaxation techniques that can be applied with CBT in order to help relieve the pain associated with vaginismus (Hecker amp; Wetchler, 2010). CBT can also offer some coping skills along with restructuring a person’s way of thinking. Another intervention treatment method for sexual disorders such as that of Mrs. Wilson is more of a medically treated approach. Hecker amp; Wetchler, (2010) suggest a vaginal dilator as being a useful technique for modifying a conditioned response. Vaginal dilators are used to teach control of circumvaginal muscles (p. 377). In order to use these dilators they are generally supplied to people from a doctor’s office with or without the presence of the person’s partner. The private space offers the opportunity to help decrease the fear and anxiety with sex so that penetration can occur. The similarities of both CBT therapy and the medically treated approach using a vaginal dilator are that they both focus on calming the painful symptoms associated with sexual discourse in females. Another similarity with the two interventions is that they both offer suggestions in how to cope and deal with the shame and/or guilt associated with sexual dysfunctions. The only differences are the methods used to intervene. CBT focuses more on the cognition of dealing with negative thoughts that often occur with sexual disorders. The vaginal dilators focus on ways to relieve the stress without the conditioned fear response (p. 377). A challenge with using CBT therapy and vaginal dilators is that it encourages having both partners actively involved (Hecker amp; Wetchler, 2010). Sexual intercourse and dysfunctions can be a touchy subject that does not resolve itself without partner interaction, so getting both partners together could be somewhat of a challenge. In order to know whether or not a treatment intervention is working, both Mr. and Mrs. Wilson need to report the improvements in the symptoms of Mrs. Wilson. I would also like to know from both partners if increased enjoyment has occurred after treatment, in order to know whether or not my treatment interventions were working. Nonetheless, getting both partners together to discuss a sexual dysfunction is something I see as a challenge. References Hecker, L. , L. , amp; Wetchler, J. L. , eds. (2003). An Introduction to Marriage and Family Therapy (1st ed. ). Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Clinical Practice Press.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Fear in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest and The Scarlet Letter :: comparison compare contrast essays
Fear in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and The Scarlet Letter To live with fear and not be overcome by it is the final test of maturity. This test has been "taken" by various literary characters. Chief Bromden in Ken Kesey's One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest and Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter both appear to have taken and passed this test. It first seemed as though the Chief was going to fail this test of maturity in the mental ward that he was committed to. He had locked himself up by acting deaf and dumb. He had immense fear of the "Combine," or society, that ruined things and people and treated them like machines, giving orders and controlling them. Soon enough to "save" the Chief, McMurphy arrived. He was lively, and not scared; the complete opposite of the Chief. This courage eventually passed on to the Chief. At a meeting, when McMurphy was holding a vote to prove that the patients wanted to see the World Series, the Chief voted for it. At first he said that McMurphy controlled his hand. Later on he admitted that it was he who raised it. He even talked to McMurphy one night, and began laughing at the situation at hand. One day when McMurphy and the Chief tried to help another patient who was being taken advantage of by orderlies, they were caught and sentenced to electro-shock therapy (EST). The Chi usually blacked out in a fog when confronted with problems; however, this time (he had endured over 200 EST sessions previously) he did not. However, McMurphy was deteriorating, and the two seemed to be reversing positions. McMurphy eventually was sentenced to a lobotomy, which left him as a helpless, pathetic person, as the Chief had once been. The Chief now had the courage to put McMurphy out of his misery, despite what the head nurse, Nurse Ratched, the symbol of the combine to the Chief, would do to him. He smothered McMurphy, and afterwards, escaped by lifting the control panel, which McMurphy told him that he could lift but the Chief saw himself as "small," a symbol of his strength against the combine, and breaking a window with it. The mere fact that the Chief could lift the panel was
Monday, November 11, 2019
Frankenstein Movie Version vs. Mary Shelley’s Novel Essay
In 1957 British Production Company Hammer Films launched their own series of adaptations of Frankenstein with the first film entitled â€Å"The Curse of Frankenstein†. The Frankenstein’s myth was revived once again. This time it was more different from the Universal Studios own version. The prominent element in the Universal Series was the monster but Hammer chose the person of Victor Frankenstein as focal point and subject of the story. The Curse of Frankenstein is set around 1880. Baron Victor Frankenstein and his new teacher Paul Krempe became close companions. They started their experiments and their first success was the reanimation of a puppy. After several years they want to experiment it on humans. They stole the body of a hanged highwayman from the gallows. Victor bought body parts like eyes, hands and several other parts, which they stitch together. Finally, the only thing needed to complete his creation is a brain, â€Å"the mind of a genius†. Victor killed his old mentor Professor Bernstein to place its brain in his creation. Victor Frankenstein was entirely different from the character in Shelley’s novel. He was not as bad as the film portrays. He doesn’t have to kill anyone to achieve his goal. The only close similarity to the original story is the monster with its ugly and horrible appearance. The monster also from the moment it wakes was found to be very aggressive and evil. It kills a blind man and a young girl unlike in the original where it is not even capable to express feelings and emotions. The film was based on the original story of Frankenstein novel but a lot of twists and modifications have been already done to the original theme. Works Cited Rohrmoser, Andreas. The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) The Monstrous Baron: Hammer Film’s Frankenstein Series. 2006. 24 September 2008.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Assignment Strategic Plan Update Essay
Resources: Kudler’s Fine Foods within the Virtual Organizations Begin updating the 2003 strategic plan for Kudler Fine Foods or your ownorganization, with approval from your instructor. The link to the Kudler FineFoods organization may be found on your student Web site. Write a 350-word APA formatted draft of part of the strategic plan, including arevised organizational mission, vision, and values statements. Format your paper according to APA standards. General Questions – General General Questions STR 581 Week 1-6 Everything Included (All Assignments, All DQ’s) + 6 sets of Finals Version 4 Strategic Planning Implementation If you are unsure about which major to choose, use your first two years of college to take a wide variety of courses in addition to your core courses. You may find yourself interested in things you might otherwise never have considered. An eclectic course of study gives you greater insight into possible career choices. This document includes STR 581 Week 3 Assignment Strategic Plan Update Resources: Kudler’s Fine Foods within the Virtual Organizations Begin updating the 2003 strategic plan for Kudler Fine Foods or your ownorganization, with approval from your instructor. The link to the Kudler FineFoods organization may be found on your student Web site. Write a 350-word APA formatted draft of part of the strategic plan, including arevised organizational mission, vision, and values statements. Format your paper according to APA standards. General Questions – General General Questions STR 581 Week 1-6 Everything Included (All Assignments, All DQ’s) + 6 sets of Finals Version 4 Strategic Planning Implementation If you are unsure about which major to choose†¦ For downloading more tutorials visit – If you are unsure about which major to choose, use your first two years of college to take a wide variety of courses in addition to your core courses. You may find yourself interested in things you might otherwise never have considered. An eclectic course of study gives you greater insight into possible career choices. General Questions – General General Questions
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The #1 Movie in America Professor Ramos Blog
The #1 Movie in America Kourtnie Terry English 010 5:00 p.m. When viewing a trailer for a movie that draws an individuals attention, the anticipation in the weeks prior to the premiere becomes almost unbearable. On October fifth of 2018, a weight was lifted off the shoulders of many fans all around the world, and the suspense for the most awaited film of the year came to a halt. The movie ‘A Star Is Born’ not only attracted viewers with its intriguing story, but the lead characters were such an unexpected match it made the excitement that much more intense. Occasionally, trailers that are very anticipated and awaited do more justice than the actual movie itself, but this film exceeded all expectations of the trailer. The film ‘A Star Is Born’ provides a captivating story line that intrigues the audience with an emotional, passionate, and heart wrenching experience. ‘A Star is Born’ was recreated in 2018 after the american film written by Moss Hart was aired in 1954. Hart’s Screenplay was an adaptat ion of the original 1937 film ‘A Star Is Born’. In 2000 the 1954 film was selected for preservation in the United States by the Library of Congress as being â€Å"Culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant†, but many say the 2018 version of ‘A Star Is Born’ is by far the best and I personally couldn’t agree more. In the 2018 movie ‘A Star Is Born’, Bradley Cooper who plays the male lead role as Jackson Maine and is also the director of the film, really knew how to pull the audience in with his admiration of Ally (Lady Gaga). Many people have said watching the film ‘A Star Is Born’ was a life altering experience. The captivating emotion it brought to every viewer in the audience was extraordinary. The story line itself brought interest and excitement and the actors and actresses were very much so the icing on top of the cake. I feel as though Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga were the perfect couple to play these intense roles. Manohla Dargis wrote a review about Cooper and Gaga’s film and said Lady Gaga is a post-Madonna pop artist known for her elaborate stagecraft and costumes has been â€Å"stripped down†in the film and her â€Å"mask was removed†. She said â€Å"You can see her skin, the flutter in her veins, which brings you close to her, and can make both the actress and her character feel touchingly vulnerable.†While watching this film my eyes never left the screen, and my heart never stopped aching for the characters. During the last thirty minutes of the mov ie I whimpered in absolute grief because I had been so intensely drawn in by the amazing actors and I truly believed I was apart of the story. Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s chemistry brought an emotional attachment to me like no other movie has. I was devastated when the movie concluded because I was brought back to reality, and had to come to the realization that their love story was just fictional. On the other hand, some might say this film is very inappropriate due to the drugs, alcohol and nudity throughout the film, but I felt like it was such a captivating story. The lead characters are living a somewhat rockstar lifestyle which does entail this type of atmosphere. The male actor struggles with a hearing problem that came into effect when he was young, and has grown progressively worse over the years up to his adult life and being a musician, it was very for him. The movie ends with a tragic suicide of the male lead, Bradley Cooper, which left viewers with a pit in their stomachs. The film began with such a romantic setting, yet closed with a devastating tragedy that no one in their right mind would wish for or expect. The storyline had many happy and upbeat moments, but its unfortunate drawbacks left a far greater impact on the audience. Before watching a movie most individuals create an image of how they believe the story will play out, but nothing could prepare anyone for ‘A Star Is Born.’ Comparing this film to world renowned movies such as Titanic, Greece, and Casablanca it holds its ground substantially. Critics all over the country have raved about the film ‘A Star Is Born’ and not only saying that the actors together are the perfect duo, but claiming it to be the best musical since 2002’s Chicago (Reed). Clearly, ‘A Star Is Born’ captivated hearts around the nation and didnt just stop after production. The actors post-film interviews show the true bond and connection they created while making such a spectacular production, and that was shown immensely throughout the movie. Indeed, this was an iconic performance that not only entailed a beautiful love story, but addressed the substance abuse and mental health issues that individuals experience everyday. The movie ‘A Star Is Born’ provides a severely intruegring storyline that captures the audience with an emotional, passionate and heart wrenching experience. After watching this film most individuals were left saddened because it was an experience no one wanted to end. This production brought awareness to the audience about the dangers of substance abuse, and how it can clearly be a life altering disease that takes more lives than society realizes. The amount of sentiment and compassion this film created was truly exceptional. I believe the characters were aware of the emotion they would be bringing to their audience, but I dont think they were fully aware of the monumental impact they had created. It was a pleasure to watch such a beautiful story unfold to what it did, and witness a star be reborn again after such a tragic event. Annotated Bibliography / â€Å"A Star Is Born (1954 film)†, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Retrieved from: Moss Hart’s screenplay of the 1954 film ‘A Star Is Born’ was an american musical film starring Judy Garland and James Mason, directed by George Cukor. Hart’s film was written based off of the original 1937 film.In 2000, the 1954 movie was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry. The Library of Congress labeled the film as being culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant. Ratings and Reviews of A Star Is Born, Retrieved from: This website gives viewers a chance to watch the trailer of the film and allows them to read about what the movie is going to be about. This website offers reviews and ratings of the film and gives people a peek into the movie. It shows that the film ‘A Star Is Born’ is rated R, is considered a drama, music, and romance movie. The website tells you who is going to be starring in the movie and who is directing it and allows viewers a chance to even rate the film. The New York Times, Charles Bremesco â€Å"Everyone Is Talking About ‘A Star Is Born’, Article Retrieved from: This article tells you how Charles felt about the film. It tells about the ups and downs that come with watching this movie. This article also offers other people’s reviews and perspectives on seeing the film. It shows other websites reviews and opinions of the film but this article was written by The New York Times. Brian Tallerico, Reviews of ‘A Star Is Born’, October 5, 2018, Article Retrieved from: This article tells us about the movie and all that comes with watching it. It offers ratings of the film ‘A Star Is Born’ and explains how Brian felt after watching the film. It describes the events that happened in the movie and offers people a chance to read about the film and see how other people felt watching it before they watch it themselves. ‘A Star Is Born’ Youtube Trailer, Retrieved from: This trailer represents the emotional rollercoaster you go through when watching the actual film. It gives viewers a chance to hear some of the songs that are played in the movie and who will be starring in the film. This trailer shows some of the very best scenes in the movie ‘A Star Is Born’. Although it is short, this trailer really draws in the audience and grasps your full undivided attention.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Analyzing Aristotle Essay Example for Free
Analyzing Aristotle Essay The soul and the body are different forms. While the body is visible and mortal, the soul is invisible and immortal. He suggests that although the body dies and decays, the soul continues to exist. I do believe there is life after death, everyone must eventually die, and it cannot be avoided. However, even though death is a fact of life, it is a topic that many people prefer not to talk about. This avoidance of discussion is usually due to the denial of one’s own death and the denial is usually due to fear. The fear is, for many people, a fear of the unknown. In my opinion i believe that when humans die, the body and the brain dies, but the mind still exists and it creates our afterlife according to our own beliefs and expectations. If a person believes there in nothing after death then there will not be a dream, it will be as if the person is asleep forever without dreaming. 2) Yes, I agree that the universe is purposeful. The purpose of the creation, every though you have is creating your tomorrow. The universe has mysterious ways of revolving what we do day by day. For example Karma: The sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in life. – Aristotle said: â€Å"Yet there is God, though not perhaps the simple and human god conceived by the forgivable anthropomorphism of the adolescent mind. †Aristotle represents God as self-conscious spirit. A rather mysterious spirit; for Aristotle God’s never does anything; he has no desires, no will, no purpose; he is activity so pure that he never acts. He is absolutely perfect; therefore cannot desire anything; therefore He does nothing. His only occupation is to contemplate the essence of things; and since He himself is the essence of all things, the form of all forms, his sole employment is the contemplation of himself. Analyzing Aristotle. (2018, Nov 04).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Communication Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Communication - Research Proposal Example Lack of well co-ordinated communication has always made organizations especially the healthcare providers in big problems that may not be easy to solve ones they hit irreversible point. Some of the administrative issues in a healthcare facility and the sector in general include the adjustments required for the care to be given to the patients. This entails how the health status of the patient is progressing since the last medical service offered or administered at a given instance. Another important aspect of this has to do with management planning which need to be done in respect of the charges on the services offered to the patient. This is a very important aspect of management since the funds generated from the services and prescriptions administered to the patients and other clients forms the basis of successful operation and the overall quality of service delivery. Billing department has particularly been at the Centre of this problem when the nurses fail to inform them of addit ional services or prescription to the patients. This has always led to lack of accountability and significantly affect their planning. Introduction It is important for an organization to put in place interventionry measures for improving communication.Healthcare sector has been undergoing a myriad of changes that need in-depth consideration for any significant progress. Communication is one such tool that has been tasked to bring sanity among nurses and healthcare managers. Improper management of information has far reaching effects both to the healthcare stakeholders and the society at large. There have been several cases of legal battle and unethical actions resulting from poor consideration of communication as a fundamental tool for the nursing services provision. One aspect of this has always been realized from inadequate data to indicate the progress of the patients and guide the management on issues like billing and the overall performance of the nurses as they deliver their s ervices. It is important to note that information covers the better part of healthcare provision and in the event that this goes missing a significant loss is eminent. It is therefore important that a lot of effort is put towards improving the healthcare sector from training to actual practice of the nurses and clinician. Statement of the problem Among the several issues that have been discussed as the challenges to the healthcare sector communication is very critical and this calls for interventionary measures. This is the link between the nurses, management and the patients. It is therefore important that this is done with sound strategy and effectiveness for smooth co-ordination of activities in the healthcare facilities. The main focus of communication concept in this case is recording and retrieval of patient data to the administration. It is imperative that the nurses know that communicating an existing problem that pose a threat to the facility and the health of the patients is primary to the welfare of the society. Work-setting problem The inherent less attention given to some aspects of communication by healthcare management is critical when it comes to the overall performance of the sector. The healthcare management should also underscore the significance of free and healthy interaction with its staff so that it would be easy for them to note any anomaly in their behavior. The interest of the patient should come first since the cardinal role of the nurses is to save life and this would suffice the definition
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