Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Psychology and Motivation Free Essays
This exposition inspects the subject on ‘psychology and motivation’, where cash has for quite some time been viewed as the best help of staff. Along these lines, three explicit administration hypotheses would be utilized in this paper to assess the utilization of money related motivators in worker inspiration. Inspiration is absolutely a basic dynamic procedure of initiative conduct. We will compose a custom article test on Brain research and Motivation or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now It makes conditions which drives a person to do things right. Inspiration is a worked accordingly in an individual and it shows up inside a person as opposed to building up all things considered (Baldoni, 2005). Inspiration is the way to execution improvement. Lamentably, in today’s working society, the conventional methodology of money related impetuses entices people just to a limited degree. Despite the fact that money related motivating forces can satisfy the fundamental needs (yearning, thirst and every day necessities) of an individual, it can't ‘buy happiness’ like work fulfillment or assist individuals with accomplishing influence. Cash causes individuals to feel independent. People are hence bound to invest energy to accomplish individual objectives (Buchanan, 2009). Rather than utilizing the customary methodology, businesses can consider embracing another technique for persuading their staff †Maslow’s hypothesis of inspiration †Hierarchy of requirements. Maslow’s inspiration hypothesis shows that people are being spurred by unfulfilled requirements (Clifford Thorpe, 2007). As per Maslow, there are five sorts of requirements. These requirements are shown in the figure beneath. Maslow Theory of Motivation †Hierarchy of Needs (tutor2u) Maslow recognized these five needs which are viewed as the â€Å"deficiency needs. †When one is roused to fulfill these necessities, one will make a solid effort to accomplish it. Accordingly, these necessities must be fulfilled all together for work efficiency to be improved. At the point when these necessities are fulfilled, normally, workers would need to stay in the organization. In this way, bosses can rouse people by fulfilling these five sorts of necessities referenced by Maslow in an unexpected way. For physiological inspiration, businesses can give adequate feast breaks to workers. This is done with the expectation that representatives can not just have adequate opportunity to eat a legitimate supper, yet in addition time for them to rest and to be re-stimulated. This time can likewise be utilized for the representatives to get their things done, since most shops are frequently shut for the day when these workers knock off. To meet the employees’ security needs, businesses can give a protected workplace that is commonly liberated from dangers to the representatives. Along these lines, representatives would feel calm during fill in as their wellbeing is by and large very much taken consideration off. On the off chance that the representatives have professional stability, it additionally upgrades their fulfillment. For social needs, managers need to guarantee that workers do feel a feeling of having a place with the organization. So as to do as such, bosses can keep up customs and working qualities to make a feeling of having a place and of shared qualities and destinations. By utilizing all methods for interchanges, bosses can make a loose and communitarian temperament between all laborers, and furthermore to empower a group game and an awareness of other's expectations in the representatives. Be that as it may, this would likewise mean moving a portion of the control from the businesses to the representatives. For regard sparks, businesses can perceive employees’ accomplishments by valuing their work in types of motivator pay frameworks. Other than fiscal structures, managers can likewise perceive their endeavors in the company’s yearly meals by demonstrating their gratefulness with decorations or trophies that upgrade the compensated employee’s status, permitting them to feel esteemed and acknowledged for their difficult work. In conclusion, for self-completion, managers can offer all the more testing and significant work assignments which would expect representatives to be imaginative and enhance, so they can advance with understanding to their drawn out objectives. In any case, few out of every odd individual is persuaded by precisely the same needs. Managers need to perceive such needs that every worker is seeking after and attempt to satisfy these necessities with sensible arrangements that would profit the two gatherings. In this way, with bosses attempting their best to fulfill these five needs as referenced by Maslow continually, representatives would be increasingly inspired to keep working with the organization as they feel esteemed and increased in value by managers. Therefore, this shows not just financial motivators can spur workers, the fundamental needs of an individual are similarly basic for representatives to satisfy also. As per Frederick Herzberg’s two production line inspiration hypothesis, people are influenced by two variables; inspiration factors which incorporate individual fulfillment and mental development and cleanliness factors like disappointment. Some normal cleanliness factors that Herzberg found during his examination in the U. S. A. would be working conditions, sentiments of security, work, relational connection and status (Management. net, 2009). Along these lines, if these cleanliness factors are not adequate to the representatives, they can be transformed into the wellsprings of disappointment with work. For employees’ self-awareness, inspiration factors like acknowledgment for accomplishment, duty of undertakings and headway to more elevated level assignments are required as they can make work fulfillment. These variables can assist with inspiring a person to perform and accomplish better than expected execution and exertion. Be that as it may, all cleanliness factors must be met first all together for inspiration components to satisfy. The distinctive mix of cleanliness components and inspiration factors brings about four situations. A high cleanliness yet low inspiration consider results a situation where representatives have not many objections however are not exceptionally energetic in light of the fact that they only work professionally. In the event that representatives are inspired at this point despite everything have grumblings, this shows the activity is loaded with fervor and testing, yet the wages and working conditions doesn't meet the insignificant individual necessities. The most exceedingly awful circumstance is the mix of low cleanliness and low inspiration where unmotivated workers have loads of protests. Obviously, the ideal circumstance is the blend of high cleanliness and high inspiration where representatives are exceptionally energetic and have less objections (Tutor2u. net, 2010). Herzberg recommended that businesses should concentrate on the individuals situated methodology which underscores on work fulfillment through occupation turn, a plan where representatives can take part in an assortment of employments in a similar association to expand intrigue and inspiration, and furthermore to find which is the most reasonable activity for them. What's more, work improvement is one more strategy where bosses can upgrade singular occupations, designating more obligations to people with the point of fulfilling and moving the staff. A blend of the past two techniques is probably going to bring about the best outcome (Fisher, Schoenfeldt, Shaw, 2003). In today’s work and different settings, inspiration doesn't important mean utilizing the conventional methodology of fiscal motivating forces. Different motivators, for example, free travel bundles, film tickets or other offhand acknowledgment rewards are likewise ready to rouse representatives to elite work levels, regularly without the use of enormous money related impetuses (Tan CH, D Torrington, 2004). In â€Å"The Human Side of Enterprise†, Douglas McGregor analyzed hypotheses of individual practices at work, accordingly defining two speculations which can be classified as Theory X and Theory Y (Accel-Team, 2010). As per McGregor, Theory X expect laborers work for the most part for cash and security, and abhorrence work and would maintain a strategic distance from it if conceivable. Subsequently, all together for Theory X laborers to accomplish hierarchical goals, different sorts of remunerations offered by workers would be the most well known and proper inspiration to such representatives. Be that as it may, then again, Theory Y expect there are laborers who appreciate difficulties in their work and would need more from their employments than simply insignificant financial motivating forces. Subsequently, for Theory Y laborers, managers need to make an inventive workplace or culture with the goal for representatives to appear and build up their imagination (Tutor2u. net, 2010). Under Theory X, businesses must be mindful so as to keep up a sensitive harmony between the two boundaries †hard and delicate methodology towards workers. The hard methodology alludes to the board utilizing intimidation, micromanagement, and reining a tight authority over the representatives, while a delicate methodology depends on adopting a lenient and amicable strategy towards them, with the expectation that they will participate when required. Be that as it may, McGregor attests that utilizing such methodologies are not the most productive on the grounds that it may bring about threatening vibe from representatives if the previous methodology is utilized, or cause rehashed demands for different advantages when a delicate methodology is utilized to tempt the workers. Then again, under the Theory Y, employees’ individual objectives can be lined up with authoritative objectives by utilizing the employee’s own journey for satisfaction as the inspiration (NetMBA. com, 2007). McGregor focused on that the delicate administration approach doesn't make a difference to Theory Y the board and it is likewise perceived that a few people will be unable to arrived at the degree of development expected by Theory Y and thusly, more tight controls can be continuously diminished as workers builds up their freedom. The conversation up to this point prompts the end that individuals with more cash will in general be more joyful than those with less †however just up to a limited degree. Money’s sway on joy experiences consistent losses: when an individual have adequate food and safe house, more money doesn't bring a lot of additional bliss (Buchanan, 2009). Analysts accept that additional capital l
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How to Make a C-Clamp Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Step by step instructions to Make a C-Clamp - Essay Example This improved and increasingly proficient gadget is there since it can deal with the activities required productively. Progress Until this point, we have recognized the purposes of the c clasp that need improvement to guarantee that the gadget is progressively compelling and addresses the issues put upon it with insignificant change on the structure of the instrument at a moderate rate. Some specialized changes experienced in the rebuilding of the parts as the drag made on the head and the productive stringing which are awkward to impact. Be that as it may, the improvement made the gadget satisfy the necessary guidelines of the quality items. Extra Work There are two arrangements of undertakings for consummation in the coming a long time to guarantee the flawlessness of the gadget quality. We will guarantee that the item is a making of a model device that addresses the issue of the current serious market and the requesting sets of expectations. Anticipated Results Out of the venture, we anticipate an aftereffect of a powerful item. The get together of the gadget will guarantee a superior screw head and an increasingly proficient clasping plate. A C-clasp is a cinching gadget that is utilized for the holding of materials either wood or metal and in certain occasions the holding or bracing of materials of plastics or china. It has a shape like the letter C, notwithstanding, or a G clasp; since when the screw is included, it appears to be like the capitalized letter G. The brace is made of
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Its About the Story COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Its About the Story COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog One of the most common questions we receive centers around the question of what could be called eligibility for our program. I completely understand where applicants are coming from regarding such questions, but I do want to emphasize that the Admissions Committee at SIPA does not use any sort of formula to admit students. The process of evaluating applicants for admission is very holistic and we look at each part of the application. Besides possessing a college degree, there are no specific criteria for admission. There are surely things applicants can do to strengthen their candidacy for our program but we do not require a specific GPA, certain test scores, a particular major, or a certain number of years of work experience. We get questions such as the following all of the time: I studied a major unrelated to what I wish to study at SIPA. Does this disqualify me from admission? I have not taken an economics class, does this mean I have no chance of being admitted? I have only worked for one year, does this mean I will not be admitted? I did not score well on the GRE/GMAT does this jeopardize my candidacy? The work experience of I have does not really relate to my proposed field of study, is this a problem? Is it worth my time to apply based on my background? There certainly are generalizations that can be made about the majority of those who are admitted to SIPA. The average age of an admitted SIPA applicant is approximately 27. However we have had students as young as 21 join us. The majority of applicants that apply to SIPA have completed a microeconomics and macroeconomics class. Is it a requirement that all applicants have completed such a sequence prior to being admitted? No. I do not want to sound like a politician who is dancing around the question and I understand the desire applicants have for concrete answers, but admission decisions really come down to an applicants story a story the encompasses each and every part of the application. In the past I worked for a school with a strong focus on arts, entertainment, music, and media. One faculty member left an impression upon me because he constantly stated something along the lines of the following: The success of a movie has everything to do with the story. You can have the best actors, the best special effects, the best soundtrack . . . but without a good story such resources just go to waste. Something similar can be said about applicants. Some applicants possess very relevant experience but are unable to bring everything together in their application. This may result in a scattered application with no real discernible theme or story. On the other hand, there may be an applicant with seemingly unrelated experience and a major that was far afield from what they wish to study at SIPA, however s/he does a superb job of making sense of all of the parts by weaving all of the parts of their application together into a compelling story. This might be accomplished through the choice of recommendation writers, compelling volunteer work, and a focused personal statement. The personal statement really is the glue that holds the entire application together. We would love to interview each candidate for admission but are unable to do so. Thus your personal statement is where we get to know you. It is divided into three questions and in question #1 you really should focus on your passion, future goals, what you hope to gain from SIPA, and what you will contribute to SIPA. Questions 2 and 3 are wide open, but you should write wisely and try to include information that contributes to the story you are trying to convey in your application. In sum, there are general characteristics that we look for in an applicant, but in the end a compelling story, mixed with evidence of academic and professional competence that will allow one to handle our curriculum, is really what helps an applicant to stand out. One final note, some applicants have questions concerning our desire to see evidence of success with quantitative methods/economics at the undergraduate level. Why is this important? Well all SIPA students, regardless of degree or major, are required to take a full year of economics, a quantitative analysis class, and a financial management class. As you might imagine, those with little to no previous experience in these areas would likely struggle greatly with our curriculum. Also, second year fellowship consideration is tied to academic performance in the first year of study and a certain way to disqualify oneself from fellowship consideration is to do poorly in these classes, which are all first year requirements. Thus, we do like to see evidence in an application of success in classes that relate to quantitative methods.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - 1847 Words
The word courage is defined as â€Å"The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc, without fear.†In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch strongly demonstrates courage though his words and actions. He defends Tom Robinson even though doing this he puts his family at risk for discrimination due to the prejudice and racial inequity in Maycomb. In addition, Arthur ‘Boo’ Radley displays courage as he reveals himself to those who were around him such as the children after being shut away from the rumors that surround him from the people of Maycomb. Arthur displays courage as he attempts to communicate with Jem and Scout. Finally, Miss Maudie, portrays courage as she watches her house†¦show more content†¦In doing so, this puts Atticus a wielder of courage for the fact that justice has more power than the harm that is to come from defending Tom Robinson. Also, Atticus shows physical courage as he sits outside the jail cell protecting Tom during the night from the mob attempting to lynch him. As Atticus defends Tom, he tries to talk sense into the mob of people, in doing so Atticus puts himself first in front of the danger of the angry crowd, being ready to face threats of death or even death without expressing any show of fear. Because of the amount of tension and hate towards Atticus for defending Tom Robinson, he tells Scout â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.†(Lee 39). However, he tells Scout this advice which then governs her through the novel as she develops and as many question the reason Atticus defends Tom. Atticus is explaining a person does not know what another person is going through until one pictures their world through their own eyes and see the views of that person and their experiences. Additionally, Atticus’ display of physical c ourage is evident in his relationship with the people of Maycomb. During one night, a
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Unification Of Innocence And Experience - 1933 Words
The Unification of Innocence and Experience Many peer-reviewed sources believe it is â€Å"essential†to understand the historical contexts of William Blake’s lifetime in order to accurately interpret Songs of Innocence and of Experience (Blake 23). I present opposing questions to this theory: (1) why is it necessary to try and adopt a perceptional adaptation of Blake’s historical perspective in order to comprehend and interpret his work; (3) is Songs of Innocence and of Experience a timeless work of art that remains relevant two hundred and twenty-one years after its initial publication as a compilation; (4) what remains when all historical contexts are eliminated from the analysis of Songs? If Blake only wants his readers to understand his personal viewpoint of Songs, relative to the historical context in which it was written, perhaps he would have published an analytical companion to Songs. Embracing William Blake’s â€Å"non-conformist†ways, I choose to explore the timelessness of Innoce nce and Experience by excluding the majority of historical and political information from my interpretations (Roberts 4). It is my goal to focus this paper on poems from Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience that share the same title – I believe this will reveal the parallels between the natures of innocence and experience. Additionally, I will explore the basic philosophical concepts Blake infuses into his poetry; as well as extract the general themes, concepts, and imagery of Songs ofShow MoreRelatedWilliam Blake s The Lamb And The Tyger1493 Words  | 6 Pagesdraw parallels between the truths they found there and the inner experience of Mankind. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Podcasting Package Is A Viable Alternative Tool Discussion Education Essay Free Essays
This chapter presents the surveies treatment. It provides an chance to explicate the significance of the findings and topographic point the research within a broader context. Major findings Analysis of the findings provides grounds that the podcasting bundle is a feasible alternate ‘tool ‘ to utilize when back uping kids ‘s literacy development in twelvemonth 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Podcasting Package Is A Viable Alternative Tool Discussion Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now However the procedure i.e. the activities designed to scaffold the kids to the point of bring forthing a podcast, was the factor that elicited betterments in the kids ‘s speech production and hearing and non the recording of the podcast itself ( the merchandise ) . However it was of import that the kids saw the concluding podcast as the merchandise ; a mark that the activities would take them towards. Findingss from, and analysis of informations confirmed that the merchandise ( the podcast ) was the incentive for the kids instead than an indispensable portion of their acquisition. It provided the kids with a intent. This concurs with DfES ( 2004 ) findings that more positive motive resulted if engineering was focused around the larning instead than used to back up learning. The kids themselves identified that as a top acting group they had fewer chances to entree engineering than less able kids in their category. Therefore another type of engineering could hold motivated this group to make their end ; it can non be generalised that it was the podcast that offered ‘pull ‘ . Nonetheless, though kids ‘s responses about ‘liking ‘ composing would look to belie it, I personally feel ‘voice ‘ and ‘audien ce ‘ would necessitate to be characteristics of the engineering chosen as a word processor type application entirely would non actuate in the same manner. Meaning and importance of the findings This research began two old ages ago following a successful command to the TDA for support. The TDA regularly financess e-learning undertakings for instructor preparation suppliers as they recognise the importance of ICT skilled practicians in the workplace ( TDA 2005 [ online ] ) . Two old ages is a life-time in a digital universe but particularly in relation to instruction engineerings. Though the engineering used in this survey was found to be motivational, it still played a important portion in the procedure as without it the kids would hold lost focal point. Therefore in reply to the research inquiry, â€Å" can a Podcasting procedure support Literacy in a Year 2 schoolroom? â€Å" ; yes as portion of a procedure it can. Two old ages ago, Web 2.0 engineering was a ‘twinkle in person ‘s digital oculus ‘ . Now it is the pillar of many digital applications ( Godwin Jones 2005 ) . Although MP3 participants were ab initio sole to Apple Macintosh, new coevals nomad ic phones now combine MP3 and other communicating engineerings in one orderly bundle. Huge advancement in a short infinite of clip. As Bull ( 2005, p.25 ) states, â€Å" MP3 participants such as the Apple iPod have become the mechanism for distribution of music for today ‘s young person merely as the Cadmium and vinyl records filled this function for old coevalss. Educational utilizations of podcasting physique on the foundation of this cultural phenomenon †. This presents both challenge and chance. When podcasts are broadcast to the Internet, through Web 2.0 engineering, the ensuing RSS ( Truly Simple Syndication ) ‘feeds ‘ allow kids to lend to each other ‘s work, wherever in the universe they may be. For case some web sites ask kids to add lines to poems, take portion in quizzes or append chapters to partially written on-line books. As Halsey ( 2007 ) asserts kids can convey the universe into the schoolroom ; and take their larning out into the universe with Web 2.0 engineering. Clearly so the potency for podcasting as an educational tool is phenomenal, but non merely in literacy lessons. Nevertheless the study revealed that current engineerings were characteristics in the sample group ‘s places. Attitudes towards a engineering seem to alter with its age hence attitude towards the currency of the motivational tool should besides be considered. So how might kids ‘s attitudes towards podcasting and speech production and hearing as a whole affect their public presentation in this type of exercising? It seems from past tendencies that podcasting itself will hold a ‘shelf life ‘ as todays digital indigens become tomorrows digital immigrants and todays techno ‘must rich persons ‘ become tomorrows digital ‘dinosaurs ‘ . Positive attitudes and motive for podcasting engineering, as it is now, will be lost. Newer technologies appear to be communicating based as Web 2.0 capablenesss move toward an even greater interactivity. This of class will assist keep a positive ‘attitude ‘ to talking and listening, in a ‘virtual ‘ environment, through a combination of networking sites and digital hardware such as webcams. The usage of Embodiments[ 1 ]is one illustration of such a combination. Communication and storytelling have stood the trial of clip and I would expect this will go on but how we do it in the hereafter will alter every bit will the size and nature of the audience. In his proposal to ‘radically ‘ pass the primary course of study, Alexander et Al. ( Primary Cambridge Review, DCSF 2009 [ online ] ) recognises spoken linguistic communication as cardinal to larning, civilization and life, but acknowledges it is much more outstanding in the course of study of many other states ( p24 ) . Possibly this could be the footing for higher accomplishment in other states instead than the ulterior school get downing age frequently identified. Reading and composing, as with other reappraisals ( DfES 2006a ) once more predominate in this reappraisal with speech production and listening one time once more dawdling behind. The authorities ( DfES 2007, DCSF 2009a ) is proclaiming that speech production and hearing are the foundations for all other larning – so why? Why are we still turn toing reading and composing foremost? Writing is simply a method for entering ideas. Ideas can besides be spoken and/or recorded into a podcast. This would be im probably emancipating for those kids who find it hard to compose things down. Podcasting offers equal chances for all ages and abilities ; an inclusive digital tool. In the late 1980 ‘s the National Oracy Project ( National Curriculum Council ; 1992 ) recommended giving speech production and listening a higher profile and yet more than 20 old ages subsequently we are still doing the same errors. I would wish to see this research will hold significance and add force per unit area to this on-going argument nevertheless unchanging fortunes, yesteryear and nowadays, would propose otherwise. Findingss in relation to other surveies Prensky ( 2001, 2008, 2009 ) , Buckingham ( 2004, 2007 ) and Marsh et Al. ( 2006 ) high spot ours is a digital universe and yet many schools still fail to recognize the significance or importance of ‘skilling ‘ kids to get by with an progressively digital and altering landscape. Technology is going more sophisticated and is increasingly being aimed at and designed for younger consumers. Palmer ( 2007 p.3 ) suggests that, ‘culture has evolved faster than our biological science ‘ and this is ‘damaging kids ‘s ability to believe, learn and act ‘ . Prensky ( 2009 ) would differ saying that exposure to engineering is altering kids ‘s encephalon construction and demanding a new manner of larning which relies on wisdom. The little size of the cohort used for this research would symbolize that the findings offer no important support of either Prensky ‘s or Palmer ‘s stance. However the podcasting bundle offered kids a blended acquis ition environment comprised of group treatments and engineering usage. This would shrive them from harm to their thought, larning and behaviour that Palmer infers can go on. These three subjects are besides recognized benefits of group working ( Baines et al. 2008 ) . The relevancy of the findings Vygotsky ( 1976 ) wrote that speech production and thought are closely linked. The procedure of speech production helps kids to larn through jointing their ideas and therefore developing the constructs needed to understand the universe. Communication and understanding improve with pattern. Therefore, the chance to speak is critical in order to develop apprehension. If nil else, promoting and valuing talk conveys the message that communicating is of import ; both hearing and speech production are the foundations for communicating so raising their profile is a good terminal in itself. However though Vygotsky ‘s theory sing communicating is still pertinent he could non hold comprehended how his theory would still use to our of all time germinating digital universe ; to current patterns and the diverse ways of pass oning that societal networking has brought approximately. If we have come this far since Vygotsky, how far will our kids travel and how will they get by with their journ ey if practicians do non promote them to develop their accomplishments. Participant observations were undertaken to back up the kids ‘s interactions with the hardware and package needed for this research. Clearly there was a demand to scaffold them at this point ; though as in Lewis ‘s instance the more knowing other did non necessitate to be me. The ZPD is the zone in which acquisition is made easier through support by important others ( Whitehead 2004 ) . These others may or may non be physically present but possibly shack in a digital universe. In other words traditional theory still applies to digital experiences but sometimes the important other may be anon. i.e. through hunt engines or ‘friends ‘ on ‘social ‘ networking sites. Vygotsky ‘s reading of the word societal would surely be limited in today ‘s ‘techno ‘ society. The survey ‘s restrictions ( Gautreau 2006 ) notes several grounds why there are barriers to utilizing engineering in schools. Unknowingness of engineering ‘s possible, clip needed to larn ( larning to utilize new package or hardware and how to incorporate them into the course of study ) , deficiency of support or resources and a deficiency of engineering competency, appropriate preparation or assurance in one ‘s ability to learn with engineerings are his chief concerns. Past instruction experience has indicated that the deficiency of a concluding ‘product ‘ from a ‘lesson ‘ is frequently deemed to be a failure on the portion of the instructor and of the kid. This belief is supported by the coverage and review procedures ; frequently SATs based ( QCDA 2010 [ online ] ) used to measure a schools position through analysis of the kids ‘s consequences. This has lead to the premise that any larning achieved in such lessons should be touchable. There should be something physical to demo. However as this research has shown speech production and hearing are the foundation of other acquisition and the inquiry has to be asked, â€Å" Can we measure this accurately if we are still inquiring kids to compose responses down? †Again personal experience has shown that understanding is non cultivated entirely through authorship or the creative activity of something. These averments are farther supported by findings from this rese arch, gathered during observations of the kids. Listening to kids ‘s treatments revealed far more about their abilities and thought procedures than any piece of composing perchance could. Therefore appraisals, peculiarly those that are SATs based, bespeaking that larning should be evidenced through production of something physical would belie what current and past experience has shown. Of class in a ‘digital ‘ and ‘virtual ‘ universe, ‘physical ‘ grounds could be presented otherwise. Time became a important restriction of this research. Time with the kids was limited due to funding hence some aspects from the planning phase were non carried out. The most frustrating was stage was at the terminal as there was non adequate clip left for the kids to be able to reflect on and measure their podcasting journey. Reflection is an of import portion of the acquisition procedure. By looking back at what they have done kids can derive a deeper apprehension of both the content and the acquisition procedure itself. The hereafter Donaldson ( 1986 ) was brave plenty to oppugn Piaget ‘s experiments and his attendant appraisals of kids ‘s ages, phases and strategies. She alluded to the impression of kids necessitating a ‘familiar context ‘ to be able to execute optimally and build significance from what they were making. But what is a familiar context for kids today? As grownups, are we back uping kids in a context which is ‘comfortable ‘ for us instead than familiar to them? Even more significantly are assessment bureaus besides outside their comfort zone? Should they be inquiring for grounds in different formats? Could Podcasting be one of these? ‘Digital ‘ grounds of accomplishment is more suitable to a ‘hi-tech ‘ universe. Sing the distribution and impact of engineerings in the ‘business ‘ universe ( Phelps, Graham A ; Kerr, 2004 ) ; force per unit area from authorities organic structures ( DCSF 2007a ) and the duty of schools to educat e kids for the hereafter ( DCSF 2008 ) , the deficiency of use of digital grounds to inform appraisals in schools is perplexing. Ellis ( 1997, 2004 ) refers to â€Å" emotional auto-ethnography †which may hold the unintended effect of overshadowing what auto-ethnography can be and of befoging the manner in which it may suit into societal enquiry. I would oppugn the usage of ’emotional ‘ here as it implies ‘blackmail ‘ or in research footings bias. I continue to adopt Donaldson ‘s ( 1986 ) ‘familiar context ‘ , which would of class include a research worker ‘s relationship with the kids involved. For me relationship suggests ‘knowing each other ‘ ; a comfy tantrum which leaves emotions ‘outside ‘ research. Emotions would hold skewed the analysis of observation and interview informations whereas the relationship between the kids and myself strengthened it. There are more practical deductions for anyone reproducing this research, or implementing the podcasting bundle. Podium package is expensive and merely necessary if broadcast medium to the World Wide Web. The sample kids were non concerned by the impression of a ‘wider audience ‘ they merely wanted their households and ‘immediate ‘ equals to hear their narrative. The narrative could hold been shared by Cadmium Rom, brassy thrust or the schools intranet entirely. This would hold been more cost effectual ; would hold saved some of the TDA support and therefore allowed excess clip to work with the kids. Evaluations of the kids ‘s speech production and listening abilities followed observations, during the activities, and attendant written texts of the kids ‘s treatments, were assessed against a recognized model. These findings clearly indicated that the podcasting bundle is feasible in footings of raising speech production and hearing degrees. Prensky ( 2005 ) reminded us that life for today ‘s kids may be a batch of things but it ‘s surely non unengaging ; except in school. Children ‘s place experiences with engineering enable instructors to construct on what kids know and can make provided that those peculiar engineerings are besides available in schools. By making so, non merely are we alining pattern to Donaldson ( 1986 ) but besides reflecting Fisher ‘s ( 2007 ) ‘starting from the kid ‘ rule. However in some respects this is where, we as practicians, travel incorrect. Money is to a great extent invested into the latest engineering to give kids the best ‘opportunities ‘ or environments for larning. Synergistic whiteboards ( IWBs ) and visualizers are two such engineerings. The little study revealed that at place kids are utilizing computing machines, nomadic phones, DS Lites and Wii ‘s. Though clearly there are benefits to holding IWBs and visualizers to project and portion images, it seems that the ‘familiar ‘ engineerings, those used daily at place are non utilized within a school environment. Again a instance of ‘teacher comfort ‘ opposed to ‘children ‘s world ‘ . If we are trusting on kids ‘s personal lifes or digital histories as this ‘starting point ‘ for resourcing and be aftering in scenes, puting in ‘unfamiliar ‘ engineerings would look to belie what we should endeavor to make. What does the instructor have to make? Nothing more than utilize a accomplishment that hopefully they are already good at: hearing. Teachers should listen to the podcasts with the kids, and assist the kids decide on the standards for appraisal. Children may hold more sophisticated cognition of new engineerings than their instructors, coercing a pedagogical displacement in the teacher function from expert to facilitator. Therefore go oning professional development has to be an of import characteristic of instructor patterns in a invariably germinating digital environment. In decision integration and using engineerings into a course of study is a complicated issue. Making known the benefits associated with engineering usage whilst besides turn toing the barriers that exist seems cragged. Traditional signifiers of literacy instruction are frequently non adequate for kids today, they need to be adapted to both entreaty and motivate and be relevant to contemporary scholars ( Buckingham 2003 ) . Thus grownups should be fixing kids for their digital hereafter instead than protecting them against it. Leu and Kinzer ( 2000 p117 ) say â€Å" envisionments take topographic point when instructors, kids, and others imagine new possibilities for literacy and acquisition, transform bing engineerings to build this vision, and so portion their work with others. †Envisionment has resulted from the new attack taken with younger kids and the podcasting bundle ; the subsequent bringing of the bundle to ITE pupils who in bend will circulate it to instructors in sc hools. As a research worker I would happen it interesting to test the bundle with even younger kids or in a scene whose ‘digital ‘ position was low in order to see ( i ) how younger kids react ( two ) if the engineering became a job instead than a scaffold. How to cite Podcasting Package Is A Viable Alternative Tool Discussion Education Essay, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Origins Of Our Species Essay Example For Students
The Origins Of Our Species Essay The latest discovery of a fossil skull in Kenya, more than three million years old, once again demonstrates the complex evolution of humankind. The following article examines the evidence and sees how it fits into the ideas of human origin formulated by Frederick Engels more than 100 years ago. There is a grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved. (Charles Darwin, The Origin of the Species, pp. 459-60, Penguin 1985.)The latest discoveries in paleontology once again reveal the rich and complex evolution of the human species. In March, the magazine Nature reported on a new fossil find in Kenya of a 3.5 million year-old skull. Originally, it was thought that the human linkage had been traced back to an ancestral genus called the Australopithecines (the Southern Ape), the most famous remains being Lucy, discovered by D.C. Johanson. These proto-humans roamed the savannahs and Rift Valley of Africa more than 3 million years ago, and are closer to modern humans than apes. However, new evidence suggests that the A ustralopithecus family was not the only hominid species to have existed at this time. We will write a custom essay on The Origins Of Our Species specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Nature describes a new species Kenanthropus platyops with a much flatter face than any Australopithecine. Kenyanthropus shows persuasively that at least two lineages existed as far back as 3.5m years, said Meave Leakey of the Kenya national museum. It is clear that the evolutionary tree is far bushier that at first appeared. While the human lineage split from that of the African apes some 5-10 million years ago, this new evidence suggests possible new lines from which humans evolved. It shows a far greater diversification of human evolution prior to the emergence of the Homo genus. The newly discovered skull has a small ear hole, like those of chimpanzees. However, it shares other features of early hominids, such as a small brain. But there are other striking differences, including tall cheekbones, small teeth and a flat plane beneath its nose bone, giving it a flat face appearance. The flatter face a feature once thought distinctly human arises primarily from the way the new species ate its food. It seems that between 3.5 and two million years ago there were several human-like species, which were well adapted to life in different environments, although in ways that we have yet to appreciate fully, stated Dr Daniel Lieberman, an anthropologist at George Washington University, Washington. It is understood that, as with the Australopithecus, the Kenyanthropus also walked upright. The emergence of these bipedal apes was a revolutionary breakthrough in human evolution. What forced these creatures in this direction is likely to have been the climatic changes that swept through the African continent some fifteen million years ago. The transformed geography, driven by the separation of two tectonic plates, running from the Red Sea in the north through Mozambique in the south, saw faulting and uplifting of mountains and the creation of the Great Rift Valley. This transformation caused the forests to shrink and fragment, creating radical changes to the habitat of the ape populations. The land to the east of the valley was no place for apes, with its forests rapidly disappearing as rainfall levels diminished, states Richard Leakey and Roger Lewin. One very persuasive theory for the origin of bipedalism, the feature that established the human family, is that it was an adaptation for more efficient locomotion between widely distributed food sources. There are other theories, too, but this one makes good biological sense, given the habitat changes of the time. (The Sixth Extinction, p.88.)Over a period of several million years, new species arose and others became extinct. The development of hominids with small brains and the ability to walk on two feet represented a qualitative evolutionary leap. In the fossilized riverbed in Laetoli in Northern Tanzania are hominid footprints dated at 3.5 and 3.7 million years. In the words of Leakey and Hay: the Pliocene hominids at Laetoli have achieved a
Friday, March 20, 2020
Free Essays on Sex Discrimination
Sex Discrimination The law has taken curious turns in reaching its present attitude towards sexual harassment. Judges are stretching Title VII to cover wrongs that are not within the original meaning of sex discrimination, in a way reminiscent of how in Blackstone's day legal fictions were used to wedge desirable policies into existing laws. Blackstone notes how the writ of Trespas was used to bring torts to the King's Bench, but the trespassing allegation was always then dropped, and the tort pursued.15 Just so, we now hang sexual harassment onto the writ of Title VII. Blackstone’s Gothic castle of the law has its advantages, but we would do well in the present day to develop a principled basis for sexual harassment law. Sexual harassment law is, on its face, a way to fight sex discrimination, and in some cases sex discrimination indeed is involved. A clear example would be if an employer encouraged g male workers to engage in aggressive sexual banter and horseplay to drive female workers to quit. This was not the problem in Oncale, Ellerth, or Faragher, however. Rather, the connection with Title VII and sex discrimination in those cases is that a certain employee is subject to offensive behavior to which a member of the opposite sex would not have been subject. Under this logic, if a bisexual supervisor terrorized both male and female employees with demands for sex, the law should hold that behavior harmless. I have tried in this article to give a view of sexual harassment law based on objectives and incentives. This view looks at results one might expect from different laws rather than at their stated intents. The current law cannot be justified as promoting equality between the sexes, protecting employees against employers, or protecting employers against supervisors, except to the extent that it allows employees redress against breach of contract by employers who provide worse working conditions than expected or employers a... Free Essays on Sex Discrimination Free Essays on Sex Discrimination Sex Discrimination The law has taken curious turns in reaching its present attitude towards sexual harassment. Judges are stretching Title VII to cover wrongs that are not within the original meaning of sex discrimination, in a way reminiscent of how in Blackstone's day legal fictions were used to wedge desirable policies into existing laws. Blackstone notes how the writ of Trespas was used to bring torts to the King's Bench, but the trespassing allegation was always then dropped, and the tort pursued.15 Just so, we now hang sexual harassment onto the writ of Title VII. Blackstone’s Gothic castle of the law has its advantages, but we would do well in the present day to develop a principled basis for sexual harassment law. Sexual harassment law is, on its face, a way to fight sex discrimination, and in some cases sex discrimination indeed is involved. A clear example would be if an employer encouraged g male workers to engage in aggressive sexual banter and horseplay to drive female workers to quit. This was not the problem in Oncale, Ellerth, or Faragher, however. Rather, the connection with Title VII and sex discrimination in those cases is that a certain employee is subject to offensive behavior to which a member of the opposite sex would not have been subject. Under this logic, if a bisexual supervisor terrorized both male and female employees with demands for sex, the law should hold that behavior harmless. I have tried in this article to give a view of sexual harassment law based on objectives and incentives. This view looks at results one might expect from different laws rather than at their stated intents. The current law cannot be justified as promoting equality between the sexes, protecting employees against employers, or protecting employers against supervisors, except to the extent that it allows employees redress against breach of contract by employers who provide worse working conditions than expected or employers a...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Biography of Johannes Kepler, Pioneering Astronomer
Biography of Johannes Kepler, Pioneering Astronomer Johannes Kepler (December 27, 1571–November 15, 1630) was a pioneering German astronomer, inventor, astrologer, and mathematician who is best known for the three laws of planetary motion now named for him. In addition, his experiments in the field of optics were instrumental in revolutionizing eyeglass and other lens-related technologies. Thanks to his innovative discoveries combined with his original and accurate methodology for recording and analyzing his own data as well as that of his contemporaries, Kepler is considered one of the most significant contributing minds of the 17th-century scientific revolution. Johannes Kepler Known For: Kepler was an inventor, astronomer, and mathematician who served as a central figure in the 17th-century scientific revolution.Born: December 27, 1571 in Weil, Swabia, Germany Parents: Heinrich and Katharina Guldenmann KeplerDied: November 15, 1630 in Regensburg, Bavaria, GermanyEducation: Tà ¼binger Stift, Eberhard Karls University of Tà ¼bingenPublished Works: Mysterium Cosmographicum (The Sacred Mystery of the Cosmos), Astronomiae Pars Optica (The Optical Part of Astronomy), Astronomia Nova (New Astronomy), Dissertatio cum Nuncio Sidereo (Conversation with the Starry Messenger) Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae (Epitome of Copernican Astronomy), Harmonices Mundi (Harmony of the Worlds)Spouse(s): Barbara Mà ¼eller, Susan ReuttingerChildren: 11Notable Quote: â€Å"I much prefer the sharpest criticism of a single intelligent man to the thoughtless approval of the masses.†Early Life, Education, and Influences Johannes Kepler was born on December 27, 1571, in Weil der Stadt, Wà ¼rttemburg, in the Holy Roman Empire. His family, once prominent, was relatively poor by the time he was born. Keplers paternal grandfather Sebald Kepler, a respected craftsman, had served as mayor of the city. His maternal grandfather, innkeeper Melchior Guldenmann, was mayor of the nearby village Eltingen. Keplers mother Katharina was an herbalist who helped run the family hostelry. His father Heinrich served as a mercenary soldier. Keplers gift for mathematics and interest in the stars became evident at an early age. He was a sickly child, and while he survived a bout of smallpox, he was left with weak vision and damage to his hands. His poor eyesight did not hinder his studies, however. In 1576, Kepler began attending the Latin school in Leonberg. He witnessed both the passing of The Great Comet of 1577 and a lunar eclipse in the same year, which were thought to have been inspirational in his later studies. In 1584, he enrolled at the Protestant seminary at Adelberg, with the goal of becoming a minister. In 1589, after obtaining a scholarship, he matriculated to the Protestant University of Tà ¼bingen. In addition to his theological studies, Kepler read widely. While at university, he learned of the astronomer Copernicus and became a devotee of his system. Career, Religion, and Marriage After graduation, Kepler obtained a position teaching mathematics in Graz, Austria, at the Protestant seminary. He was also appointed district mathematician and calendar maker. It was in Graz that he penned his defense of the Copernican system Mysterium Cosmographicum in 1597. Kepler married a wealthy 23-year-old twice-widowed heiress named Barbara Mà ¼eller that same year. Kepler and his wife began their family but their first two children died in infancy. As a Lutheran, Kepler followed the Augsburg Confession. However, he did not accept the presence of Jesus Christ in the sacrament of Holy Communion and refused to sign the Formula of Accord. As a result, Kepler was exiled from the Lutheran Church (his subsequent refusal to convert to Catholicism left him at odds with both sides when the Thirty Years War broke out in 1618) and was obliged to leave Graz. In 1600, Kepler moved to Prague, where he had been hired by Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe- who held the title of Imperial Mathematician to Emperor Rudolph II. Brahe tasked Kepler with analyzing planetary observations and writing arguments to refute Brahes rivals. Analysis of Brahes data showed that the orbit of Mars was an ellipse rather than the perfect circle that was always held to be ideal. When Brahe died in 1601, Kepler took over Brahes title and position. In 1602, Keplers daughter Susanna was born, followed by sons Friedrich in 1604 and Ludwig in 1607. In 1609, Kepler published Astronomia Nova, which contained the two laws of planetary motion that now bear his name. The book also detailed the scientific methodology and thought processes hed used to arrive at his conclusions. It is the first published account wherein a scientist documents how he has coped with the multitude of imperfect data to forge a theory of surpassing accuracy, he wrote. Mid-Career, Remarriage, and War When Emperor Rudolph abdicated to his brother Matthias in 1611, Keplers position became increasingly precarious due to his religious and political beliefs. Keplers wife Barbara came down with Hungarian spotted fever that same year. Both Barbara and Keplers son Friedrich (whod contracted smallpox) succumbed to their illnesses in 1612. After their deaths, Kepler accepted a position as district mathematician for the city of Linz (a post he retained until 1626) and was remarried in 1613 to Susan Reuttinger. His second marriage was reported to be happier than his first, although three of the couples six children died in childhood. At the opening of the Thirty Years War in 1618, Kepler’s tenure in Linz was further imperiled. As a court official, he was exempt from the decree banishing Protestants from the district but he did not escape persecution. In 1619, Kepler published Harmonices Mundi in which he laid out his third law. In 1620, Keplers mother was accused of witchcraft and put on trial. Kepler was obliged to return to Wà ¼rttemburg to defend her against the charges. The following year saw the publication of his seven-volume Epitome Astronomiae in 1621, an influential work that discussed heliocentric astronomy in a systematic way. During this time, he also completed the Tabulae Rudolphinae (Rudolphine Tables) begun by Brahe, adding his own innovations that included calculations arrived at by the use of logarithms. Unfortunately, when a peasant rebellion erupted in Linz, a fire destroyed much of the original printed edition. Later Years and Death As the war dragged on, Keplers house was requisitioned as a garrison for soldiers. He and his family departed Linz in 1626. By the time the Tabulae Rudolphinae was eventually published in Ulm in 1627, Kepler was unemployed and was owed a great deal of unpaid salary from his years as Imperial Mathematician. After efforts to obtain numerous court appointments failed, Kepler returned to Prague in an attempt to recoup some of his financial losses from the royal treasury. Kepler died in Regensburg, Bavaria, in 1630. His gravesite was lost when the churchyard in which he was buried was destroyed at some time during the Thirty Years War. Legacy More than an astronomer, Johannes Keplers legacy spans a number of fields and encompasses an impressive number of scientific firsts. Keplar both discovered the universal laws of planetary motion and explained them correctly. He was the first to correctly explain how the moon creates the tide (which Galileo disputed) and the first to suggest that the Sun rotates around its axis. In addition, he calculated the now commonly accepted birth year for Jesus Christ and coined the word satellite. Keplers book Astronomia Pars Optica is the foundation of the science of modern optics. Not only was he the first to define vision as a process of refraction within the eye, as well as explain the process depth perception, he was also first to explain the principles of the telescope and describe the properties of total internal reflection. His revolutionary designs for eyeglasses- for both nearsightedness and farsightedness- literally changed the way in which people with vision impairments see the world. Sources â€Å"Johannes Kepler: His Life, His Laws and Times. NASA.Casper, Max. Kepler. Collier Books, 1959. Reprint, Dover Publications, 1993.Voelkel, James R. Johannes Kepler and the New Astronomy. Oxford University Press, 1999.Kepler, Johannes, and William Halsted Donahue. Johannes Kepler: New Astronomy. Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Media Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Media Technology - Essay Example The truck can be designed around the Panasonic MX-70 8-input SDI production switcher because of its powerful features and small form factor. It has a 8'x10' control room, space is a primary consideration. To accommodate monitoring all switcher inputs and on air elements Miranda Kaliedo Alto screen splitter feeding a Panasonic 50" Professional Series HD Plasma Display can be selected. Because of limited production schedules and some very expedited editorial needs, the system design includes an Apple X-Serve Raid, disk array supplying real time SDI video in and out of the switcher.At the front end of this Apple system, are three Final Cut Pro HD workstations for all the pre and post editorial, networked with Apple X-Serve and Xsan policing file management. This SAN configuration allows all the workstations to share files in real-time and drive SDI video to the switcher live and back to the X-Serve Raid. For b-rolls and live to tape two Panasonic AJ-SD93 DVCPRO 50 VTR's are selected.In addition, the truck is outfitted with a Sony J30-SDI so Amp'd can roll-in betacam formats as well. Because of the nature of the live events Amp'd shoots, a Doremi two-channel, SDI, MPEG 2, 4:2:2, 3-hour video server, was installed for instant playback and record with slow-mo. The audio of for Amp'd #1 starts from the embedded SDI external source, de-embedded and then is routed throughout the truck in analog pairs. A Mackie 1604-VLZ Pro, 16-channel analog mixer then handles the final mix. The Genelec 8020a's near field audio monitors handle program audio. Because this truck is also equipped with a talent voiceover booth and often takes external camera feeds, a Clear-Com MS-232, 2-channel communications system is installed as a master user station with number of Clear-Com RM220 fixed user stations and Clear Com RS-602 belt pack stations. For live talent a Clear-Com AB-100 Announcer console is used with a Sennheiser HMD-25-1 Headset for IFB (Interrupt Feedback). The truck and chasis ar e designed by Renegade. With a full motor home front configuration for support on location and plenty of power from its on-board 50 amp generator.1 2) Bock shemantics The video system consists of the following: - High Data Rate Digital ENG System - Single or Multiple Video/Audio - Optional DVB-ASI or SDI Inputs/Outputs - Video Encoding 4:2:2 and 4:2:0 - Video Low Delay Mode - Occupies - Occupies - ATSC VSB Modulation with Superior FEC - Robust Adaptive Equalization - Switchable Bandwidths 12, 17 and 25 MHz for Flexible Operation between 2, 7 and 13 GHz - Ideal for Multiple DMA Area Operation - Operates with any ENG Digital Radio - Small, Compact and Low Cost. Advantages of the VSB Modem: - High Data Rates over 12 MHz BW - Data Rates to 80 Mbps - Multiple Video Channels over a Single ENG Microwave Link - Ideal for Component HDTV - Low Cost and Small Size - Resilient to Multi-Path Block Diagram of the Three Video ENG System The audio system would consist of the following: As technologies continue to advance, audio is no exception. Surround sound, audio effects, descriptive video, and multiple languages or maybe combinations of these are required, thereby increasing the number audio channels. In the analogue days, each audio signal required a balanced pair of wires and an XLR connector. This is no longer practical for multiple audio channels, and at least with AES/EBU digital audio, we can accommodate stereo on one coax cable. (Even in Europe, where engineers traditionally use balanced digital audio, most outside broadcast facilities are adopting coax cables for unbalanced AES audio). Surround sound comes in different flavors, the most popular being 5.1. This means Left, Center, Right, Left Back,
Monday, February 3, 2020
Same Sex Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Same Sex Marriage - Essay Example However, homosexual adults who have come to terms with their homosexuality, who do not regret their sexual orientation, and who can function effectively sexually and socially, are no more distressed psychologically that are heterosexual men and women (Duberman, et al., 1989). Being identified to be gay doesn't compose this person to be an alien because each and every one is a person within his or her own exclusive way. There is no trouble with gay people getting married since in the United States everybody is equal. Why then, is there a concern with gay citizens getting married, when a man along with a woman may get married with no difficulty. Gay couples will keep on living and giving out their lives together even though they don't get married. But if they do not get the opportunity to get married, there will still be gay partners. Gay marriages must be permitted everywhere for the natural facts that the gay society is growing day by day and gay people are individuals just like anybody else. Be it a gay partner or a straight pair, two people in love with each other should be together regardless of what anyone believes. There is no difference involving the love of two gay individuals and the affection of two heterosexuals. Gay marriage has become a controversial subject matter for some time now. There are more and more people that oppose to it, than there are supportive of it. The most important issue in this work is that gay marriage should have the same treatment under the law. It shows that the administration is concentrating more on the happiness of a particular person fairly than on whether or not this person is being treated equally. Who can tell, maybe the gay society have their personal religion which permits them to be wed. We could make God pleased if we loved the citizens who possess different manners of thinking. In God's eyes each and every one are all brothers and sisters, so why not make Him a proud God I just want all the people to recognize that there is nothing erroneous with two people who desire to be happy. Well, not each person trusts in the Bible or God, so why is the administration even declaring this The Free Exercise Clause states that the government is outlawed from meddling with the free exercise of religion inside the United States. Nowadays it seems as though the administration is promoting Christianity by stating that the Bible declares that God says that marriage was intended for one man together with one woman. If the government would try to please everyone within this nation, it may be a total catastrophe. I suppose that there has been way over concentration on gay marriages, and too l ittle on equal handling (Fisher, R. D., 1994). Gay marriages contradict the self-apparent truth of nature where male and female bodies are calculated for and match each other. Homosexual marriage may undervalue your marriage. An authorization to marry seems to be a lawful document, by which government may consider same sex marriage as if it were the same as the real thing, is a license which speaks for the administration and will tell the society that government states the marriages are equal. Any time a less important thing is made equal towards a greater where the greater is undervalued. If we were to ban same sex marriage we might be taking an enormous step backwards with regards to human rights.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Overview of the Culture in the Philippines
Overview of the Culture in the Philippines Andy Kristian Gorgonio, Billy Redick, Reece Camacho The Philippines is a country rich in culture, history, economy, and government. The Philippines is filled with culture, practices, and ways of respect that some westerners may find odd and weird. The history of Philippines is filled with occupations, freedom, facts, etc. The economy of Philippines once successful until the Filipino Downfall in the 60s. Before the late 15 Century had no real religion except for the Visayans until the Spanish when the brought the Spanish Inquisition. The Government was complicated from Visayan Kingdom Era (Visayan is the Major Tribe which was similar to the Eastern Government System like Chine (China at the Time), Kingdom of Korea [Gyeorgary Era], and Empire of Japan), to Spanish Philippines, to Republic of Philippines, to American Territory of Philippines, to Japanese State of Philippines, to Republic of Philippines. The Philippines is filled with amazing information. In the Philippines, we have many stories and signs of respect to offer. The Philippines has few folk tale stories with lessons, White Street Lady is completely covered in white drapes standing on the side of a road and if you dont stop for her, you will see red eyes right before you die, lesson, be kind, Duende or Filipino Version of leprechaun, give him food and in a few days youll find his pot of gold,lesson, be nice and youll be rewarded, and lastly, Filipino Version of Mermaid, it will be the most beautiful person youve ever seen, but come to close and shell pull you into the water and drown you until you die, she will then eat your remains, lesson, dont get caught up will lust and beauty, it will consume you, (In this Case, Literally). We also have our ways to show respect such as Blessing Elders, Praying before eating, and taking off your shoes before entering a house. During eating, we eat like a normal American except for the fact we eat rice in every meal. Culture is an impo rtant and vital thing in an average Filipino and a Filipino Identity. The economy of the Philippines is a quite disappointing story. Once the Philipines freed itself in 1945, right after (WW2) was the wealthiest country in all of Asia. Korea was rebuilding from the Japanese and a crisis is brewing between Communist North and Capitalist South, China is going through a civil war, and Japan was rebuilding from the war and paying for the war to the allies, the others are still colonies or going through a independence war (Indochina[Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos], British Raj [India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar/Burma], British Malay[Malaysia], Dutch Indonesian [Indonesia]. It continued to prosper becoming the first Asian Nation to have a public International Airport and invented many things and prospered until the end of Marcas Reign in the 70s. Now people say Marcus was a dictator but thats not true, after him corruption went through the roof crashing the industries and then Singapore, China, S. Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan quickly took its place and continued to fight until the 4 remaining formed the Four Asian Tigers, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore. However a man similar to Marcus named Deturte, some experts say with him, Corruption has gone down by a huge margin and soon join the Asian Tigers. The Filipino Government changed many times especially in the past 100 years. It started before the Spaniards, the biggest tribe was the Visayan Kingdom(Visayan is the Major Tribe which was similar to the Eastern Government System like Chine [China at the Time], Kingdom of Korea [Gyeorgary Era], and Empire of Japan) Philippines became the Spanish Colony of Philippines. Then after an independence war which Created the Republic of Philippines the Philippines was quickly surprised when their previous ally ,US, said that they were part of the US and had the Philippine-American War which made the Philippines a US Territory this made the Republic of the Philippines into the American Territory of the Philippines. The US promised to release the Philippines in 1940 but was delayed to a little thing called World War 2. In 1945 after the war the Philippines was independent again as a Democratic Nation. The Philippines is a beautiful, independent, and free nation. We mustnt forget our culture for that is where we came from, no matter what the culture. May Pearl of the East live in prosperity and freedom til the end of time like how it has been. The country is filled with rich culture and history.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Unit 4 Equality and Diversity
NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Equality and Diversity Unit 4: Living in diverse communities Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. †¢ The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk †¢ Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly †¢ When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference †¢ Then, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your completed Assessment to your teacher via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Name: 1. Describe a range of appropriate investigative methods that can be used to explore diversity in a community. Range of age. Sex male to female ratio. Different religion/faiths, marital status marriage & divorce statistics. Ethnicity i. e. which ethnic group is most prominent & Education etc. This information for example can be sourced by accessing census information, the internet & also through observational data 2. Using one (or more) of the methods you outlined in Question 1, describe the extent of diversity that exists within your community. You should illustrate your work with some actual data such as statistics or desktop research. Statistics for the whole of BD4 area on religion |All People |Count |Persons |17497 | |Christian |Count |Persons |3892 | |Buddhist |Count |Persons |8 | |Hindu |Count |Persons |158 | |Jewish |Count |Persons |7 | |Muslim Count |Persons |10310 | |Sikh |Count |Persons |744 | |Any other religion |Count |Persons |18 | |No religion |Count |Persons |896 | |Religion not stated |Count |Persons |1464 | Statistics for the whole of BD4 area on Marital status All People |Count |Persons |17497 | |Single (never married) |Count |Persons |9213 | |Married (first marriage) |Count |Persons |5982 | |Re-married |Count |Persons |404 | |Separated (but still legally married) |Count |Persons |461 | |Divorced |Count |Persons |628 | |Widowed |Count |Persons |809 | 3. Using one (or more) of the methods you outlined in Question 1, describe the range of services and agencies that exist within your local community to support diversity. Bradford Refugee Forum – This is run by the Northern Refugee Centre in Sheffield. The City of Bradford itself has a population estimated at just over half a million, 22% of which is BME. This makes Bradford one of England’s melting pots with a significant BME presence. Beginning 1960’s, the importation of migrant labour largely from South Asia to work in the city’s growing textile industry resulted in a big concentration of the Pakistan community. The city was rocked by race riots in 1995 and 2001. It also experienced increasing inflows of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants from all over the globe especially from Afghanistan, Iraq, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Estonia and other EU states. It is against this background that BRF was formed with a broad remit to provide a strong voice for the refugee and asylum community and to achieve this by ensuring active representation of these communities at various strategic forums in political, economic and socio-cultural organizations. Closely allied to this commitment, was the need for empowering these communities through effective learning and development and the delivery of wanted information to the right people, at the right time and place. Through this strategy, barriers to essential services would be unlocked and the potential for social integration enhanced. Additionally, it was hoped that building capacity in the asylum and refugee community, would increase opportunities for individuals to grow their skills, knowledge and competencies as well as their income earning potential. Olive Branch Trust – Olive Branch Trust was established in 1983 to invest in the local community of South Bradford, West Yorkshire. Over the years the Trust has grown considerably and now focuses on 2 main areas of work, namely the Family and the Youth. The Trust employs many people and these are helped by numerous skilled and dedicated volunteers In 2001 the Trust also became a Limited Company, and then in 2008/9 Community Interest Companies were formed to better deliver the services to our clients. There are now 2 companies namely E:merge CIC (Youth /Education Services) and BD4 CIC (services to the Family). Whereas the initial focus was our city of Bradford they now provide services to those further afield. Drug & Alcohol Counselling – Within Bradford there are several organisations offering help with drug and alcohol problems, organisations like the Council and the Health Authority and specialist voluntary organisations. They can give help from practical advice and information to counselling and prescribing. Support and advice can also be given to families of people with alcohol and drug problems. All the organisations work closely together and use each other's special skills. If you contact one organisation and its workers feel another organisation could help you more, they will discuss this with you. But you are welcome to contact any of the organisations. 4. Using one (or more) of the methods you outlined in Question 1, provide a wide range of examples (at least 20) of physical signs that show there is diversity within your community. Include examples relating to: †¢ Religion †¢ Ethnicity †¢ Age †¢ Disability †¢ Gender 1-Shop signage in dual language 2-Different places of worship 3-Large amount of mobility aid shops 4-More asian dress shops 5-Halal butchers 6-Charity shops for overseas aid 7-Few English speaking schools -Large amount of interpreter agencies 9-Few English speaking shop workers 10-Increased amount of asian food warehouses 11-Very few white/british families in area 12-More male shop/factory workers than female 13-More small family run businesses opening 14-More asian familes moving into empty houses 15-More single males in area 16-Lack of Christmas celebration in area 17-Restaurant more suited to asian community 18-Solicitors specialising in immigration needs 19-Shop opening times to fit in with community prayers 20-Very few churches but increased number of mosques 5. Describe the types of inequality that could exist within a community. Report on your findings. As displayed in the tables in Q1 it shows that the Muslim community has more followers in the BD4 area than all other religions put together, it also shows that over half of the locality are single persons. 6. Describe the threats that exist to equality and diversity within the community, using examples of intolerance and extremism. The Bradford Council for Mosques agreed that Muslims had a negative image in British society. A spokesman said: â€Å"The entire British Muslim community gets blamed for the misguided actions of a few. The gross misconceptions about Islam make British Muslims an easy target for blame. Bradford West MP Marsha Singh said: â€Å"There is growing Islamaphobia and it has grown since 7/7 but what we need to do is make sure people keep it in perspective. (Telegraph & Argus – January 2011) As Pakistan comes out of three days of official mourning following the assassination of Salman Taseer, governor of the Punjab province and a senior member of the Pakistan People’s Party, people in Bradford are angry and anxious. Senior public figures among Muslims in Bradford are concerned that Pakistan may be in the grip of religious intolerance that may be a threat to their own friends and family. Ishtiaq Ahmed, spokesman for Bradford Council for Mosques, was in Pakistan a fortnight ago with his wife. He says: â€Å"People there have no trust in the authorities with regard to law or justice. If something goes wrong, they don’t call the police. When you have that level of distrust, people take the law into their own hands. (Telegraph & Argus – January 2011) 7. Research the range of support services and networks that exist within the local community to support diversity and explain the specific roles they carry out and the users they support. This task should be completed for each of the following: a) Public sector organisations Bradford Royal Infirmary – NHS hospital for use of any persons needing treatment. Bowling hall medical practice – offers a full range of medical services to the communities of South Bradford. Our two male and four female doctors have extensive experience within the NHS, and hold various surgeries throughout the day. HolmeWood library – Library for community residents. b) Charitable and voluntary organisations Willow Foundation – the only national charity that provides psychological and emotional support for seriously ill 16 to 40 year olds through the provision of special day experiences. St Vincent de Paul Society – SVP Community Shops provide another point of access to SVP services for those most in need. The SVP operates 29 community shops across England and Wales. The shops are situated in areas of deprivation and serve local communities, providing low cost goods and household items to disadvantaged individuals and families, offering a listening ear, and where appropriate, arranging for local SVP members to visit those most in need. c) Self-help groups Alzheimers society – Available to anyone for dementia information Action for the blind – Action for Blind People is a national charity providing free and confidential support for blind and partially sighted people in all aspects of their lives. One call to Action means help with anything from finding a job, applying for benefits, housing issues to information on local services. UK Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia Forum – The UK's only specific forum for patients, families, friends and carers of those diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia Once you have completed this Assessment, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your work to your tutor for marking.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
compensation Essay - 707 Words
Basis For Compensation nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Premier Conferencing basis for compensation is based on individual, team/organizational efforts. Premier’s associates are their greatest assets and they work collaboratively to achieve a rare degree of success to satisfy their client’s unique needs. In doing this, Premier’s employees work hard at their jobs to provide outstanding service to their customers, therefore received above average pay, both individual, team players, and organizational. It’s great that Premier Conferencing emphasizes on having fun in the workplace while being productive and successful in increase sales and commissions. With Premier’s policy on promoting from within, this gives each associate terrific†¦show more content†¦These Bonus Bucks are redeemable for gift certificates from area business. The places where associate can redeem their â€Å"Bonus Bucks†were gathered through associate surveys. This popular program was introduced in 1995 (Premier Conferencing, 2002). Furthermore, for individual compensation, associates who receive internal written recognition for upholding the company’s â€Å"Core Values†by going above and beyond get a chance to spin the â€Å"Wheel of Premiere.†Every other week, the team gathers the names of associates who have received compliments and determines why these associates were recognized. From that group, names are drawn randomly and read aloud. Those selected get a chance to spin the wheel and win prizes, such as movie tickets, dinner for two, Premiere Conferencing gear, cash, or the mystery prize. Compensation for teams or the organization, Premier celebrates milestones within the company as a group. When Premiere Conferencing reaches a milestone, such as achieving a company-wide objective, or breaking a company record, associates are rewarded for the team effort. In the past, associates have received embroidered blankets, fleece jackets, t-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, and now most current, bonuses. Moreover, when a department meets an objective or deserves special recognition for an achievement, Premier rewards that department with a catered lunch orShow MoreRelatedCompensation1425 Words  | 6 PagesINTERNAL EQUITY (ALIGNMENT) AND EXTERNAL EQUITY (COMPETITIVENESS) After reviewing the Wilson Brothers Case Scenario, as Director of Human Resources for the organization, what conclusions can you draw with respect to the status of the company’s compensation strategies that are currently in place? What would you do to begin to address this situation? (3 Marks) Provide Constructive Feedback to at least two other student’s postings. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Great Depression And World War II - 1759 Words
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the thirty-second U.S president, and the only president to be elected four times. He led American through the trials of the Great Depression and World War II. He was born on January 30, 1882 in New York. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s curiosity, persistence, and self- confidence served to be extremely helpful traits through his presidency. When he combines all of his super powers together it makes an amazing success story. Sadly Roosevelt’s life was brutally taken by the deadly disease called polio in Georgia in 1945 from polio, a highly infectious viral disease; he still managed to lead this country to providence without fail. His is a president worthy of reputation; He was the beacon of light that led America to†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Though the relief and reform measures put into place by President Franklin D. Roosevelt helped lessen the worst effects of the Great Depression in the 1930s, the economy would not fully turn around u ntil after 1939, when World War II kicked American industry into high gear†(History.com Staff). â€Å"On June 6, 1944, the United States and its allies launched the greatest amphibious invasion in history on the shores of France. Over 150,000 soldiers, sailors, and airmen stormed the beaches of Normandy beginning a campaign that would end with the unconditional surrender of Germany in May 1945. Franklin D. Roosevelt, as Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces during World War II, played an active and decisive role in determining strategy. In his ongoing discussions with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and with the American Joint Chiefs of Staff, he steadily promoted the invasion of the European continent to liberate it from Hitler’s Germany that finally began on D-Day†(Wordpress). On June 6, 1944, FDR went on national radio to address the America for the first time about the Normandy invasion. His speech obtained the method of a prayer. The date and timing of the Normandy invasion was at the time top secret, and Roosevelt decided to explain why it was kept secret. â€Å"Shortly before he went on the air, he added several handwritten lines to the opening of his
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